Thursday, 16 March 2017


The tradition of wearing Navratna Gold jewellery can be traced back to our ancient scriptures. The word Navratna translates to “nine gemstones”. Each of the navratna gemstones is dedicated to a particular celestial object and is said to draw positive influence from it. In the astrological sense, Navratna gemstones are capable of handling the bad influence in your life and balance it with the positivity drawn from the particular planet or navagraha.
With its spiritual powers, Navratna jewellery was worn by kings and royal families as a talisman. They were henceforth associated with a status symbol. In the modern times, Navratna gold jewellery still remains to be popular due to its astrological benefits and beauty. The navratna stones provide a multi-colored appearance, giving a glamorous look.

Navratna jewellery has been associated with many astrological benefits. Here is how they can benefit your life.

  • According to astrology, the position of planets keeps changing.  The malefic effects of the planet can be balanced by the navratna gemstones.
  • Since ancient times, navratna gemstones are believed to bring good fortune to the wearer and ward off evil.
  • The Navratna gold jewellery can be worn anyone, irrespective of their zodiac sign.
  • Protective shield for various diseases such as blood-related ailments etc.
  • To strengthen mental health and tackle depression
  • Improve in career and creativity
  • Help strengthen your love life
  • Protects from misfortune and strengthens material wealth.

The Navratna gemstones need to be flawless, without any cuts. Our Navratna Gold Jewellery collection featuring Navratna pendants and Navratna earrings is made from pure navratna gemstones